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A Journey To Slim: A Fresh Start

If you change nothing, nothing will change

I know that I've been super quiet for while now. Life has been really, really busy and there have been some big changes that I've decided to embark on over the last few months. One of these changes is to do something about my weight current. Its not the first I've tried to lose weight or managed to anywhere near my target weight. The last few times I've kept silent about it. However, this time round I'm doing it with the aim of being transparent about it. Thus, I've decided to use Instagram as my platform to help me stay focused and transparent (the Instagram handle is Maybe my journey will be an inspiration to you to help you with your weight loss journey.

In this day and age, its easy to put on weight. Our food, especially here in the western world, is highly processed. It's full of preservatives and hidden sugars. My favourite foods tend to be high in calories. I love my sweet things, and the more I eat it the more I want it. My body craves the sugars and thus my weight goes up, since I'm eating more calories that what my body needs. High levels of sugar isn't healthy. At the beginning of October I re-joined Slimming World. I've lost a lot of weight following Slimming World before. However, I've ended up putting the weight back on and then I restarted several times. This time, I'm hoping that my journey will be more successful. I'll try to write here regularly about my battles and how my weight loss goes.

Until next time!

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