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Weight Loss Journey

“If you can’t love yourself, how in the h*** are you gonna love somebody else! Can I get an amen?” - RuPaul

I know I haven't really written a lot about my weight loss recently but that's down to the fact that I ended up not going to group for the entirety of November, which meant that my weight had slowly crept back on. So I made a drastic decision. On the first Saturday of December I decided to restart my journey. I needed to have a clean slate and put the previous four weeks behind me. November was a stressful month for me and I did what I often do when I'm stressed, I either didn't eat, or I ate the wrong foods. In the end, I was almost back at my starting weight. It made sense to me to restart again. It would give me motivation to keep focused on healthy eating whilst getting through that month where food is such a big part of our celebrations... and unhealthy, high fat foods. Foods that we tend to eat to to access. Being on Slimming World means that I have a plan of action in regards to Christmas Day and my birthday... thankfully there is a weigh in right smack between my birthday, Christmas Day and another one between Christmas Eve and New Year's Day. It'll be the second New Year's day I'll be waking up, without a hangover as I've given up drinking all together.

I now have 6 days to food optimise before my next weigh in (on Christmas Eve) and I'm gonna do my best to focus on keeping track on what I'm eating. Keep an eye on my Weight Loss Journey on Instagram. The handle is

Until next time!!

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