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A Touch of Magic

"Happiness can be found even in the darkest of places if one only remembers to turn on the light." Albus Dumbledore.

I seem to do a lot of thinking about writing but never actually doing it. Life has been so busy over the last few months and for so many reasons I can't begin to mention. I won't bore you with all the ins and outs of my life at the moment. Things are definitely quieter than they were this time last year, but in a completely different way to last year. Uncertainty still hangs heavy over our heads. We're uncertain if the country is going to be plunged into another lockdown or not. The Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, hasn't do it, yet. Last year he promised us our Christmas with family and then, only days before Christmas, he took it away from us, but putting different parts of the country into lockdown. The county Andy and I were living in at the time was put onto the highest alert, whilst Andy's family was still able to mingle with another household, due to them being just on the other side of the county border. If a lockdown was brought in before Christmas, I'm not sure it'll go down well with the people due to the fact that there was several Christmas parties held by the government after the lockdown was brought in. People aren't happy with that. So we're waiting to see what's going to happen.

Christmas is just around the corner, as is my next birthday. I've come to enjoy Christmas as I've come to see it as a time for family and a time to celebrate Jesus' birth. My birthday, on the other hand, is a day I tend to want to be kept quite low key. Andy and I have already celebrated it by going out for a meal together. It was really special. Otherwise, I don't have plans for the day itself. It's gonna be so different from last year. Christmas is going to be spent in Didcot, with Andy's sister and brother-in-law. It's gonna be the first time we've celebrated Christmas with them and I'm looking forwards to it. We'll be seeing Andy's paternal grandparents before Christmas and his mother's side of the family just afterwards. We're all going to be doing lateral flow tests beforehand to make sure we don't have COVID-19. All of us have been double jabbed (and some of us have even had our boosters). I just want to ask you not to share your thoughts on the vaccine in the comments below, as we all need to make our own decisions as best to protect ourselves and our loved ones.

Merry Christmas!

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